About ruby on rails, hackintosh, iphone3g and etc.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Cannot Remove WD SmartWare. Disable It.

Here’s another way to keep the virtual CD volume from mounting (tested on Leopard):

1. Connect the new WD My Passport or other drive “infected” with this firmware
2. Open a Terminal and type something like:

diskutil info “/Volumes/WD SmartWare”

(this corresponds to the volume you want to get rid of)

3. Copy the large string of numbers that corresponds to “Volume UUID:” in the info.
4. Edit /etc/fstab as root using vifs:

EDITOR=nano sudo vifs

(if you want your usual editor, drop the “EDITOR=nano” part)

5. Add a line like the following, putting your UUID in from step 3:

UUID=that_big_number_from_step_3 none hfs ro,noauto 0 0

6. Save the file to quit out of vifs
7. Disconnect the My Passport and attempt to plug it back in and watch!

It’s a bit more involved than DSW, but you only have to do it once and the virtual CD volume won’t remount. WD really need to issue a firmware update that removes this virtual drive. At least give some of us the option of not having it!

1 comment:

Avi said...

Very helpful, thanks!